Friday, October 4, 2013

New Moon Friday night

Today's New Moon according to The Power Path ~
New Moon is Friday, October 4 at 6:34PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) Even though it may be difficult to focus today and you may change your mind several times about what you are doing or what you wish to do, take some time today to stop everything and just be. Refrain from setting any kind of intentions or making to do lists.
This is a time for allowing at a deep level whatever it is that you need at this time whether it is healing, insight, clarity, rest, community, support, change, inspiration, clearing or movement. Be in the void and find a peaceful place to drop into where everything temporarily comes to a complete stop. From this place receive whatever it is you need. Be in gratitude.
And it was just that kind of day for me.  How about you?
Our day at the Center started at the regular time of 4:50AM, but after our cleansings, Jeff had a new practice for us.  This quote sums it up pretty well ~
“True meditation is about being fully present with everything that is–including discomfort and challenges. It is not an escape from life.” ~ Craig Hamilton
Our morning practice was quite uncomfortable and challenging as we did several expanding poses and HELD THEM for 10-15 minutes each.  My most challenging pose was holding cobra.  The practice was teaching us how to calm the mind and JUST BE with the discomfort (quite perfect for the New Moon).  We wrapped up the session with DANCING and I was crying by the end of it.  Quite a release for me personally. 
Our Friday picnic lunch by Oak Creek was lovely, and as sore as I was feeling, I could have stayed there all day.  But back we came for more classroom work and then a 25 minute seated meditation.  Today I discovered the meditation bench which made my right knee and hip VERY HAPPY. 

After a dinner break, we went back to the Center and had our evening class in the Yurt until after 8PM.  It is quite windy here tonight, and it was so cozy learning the backstory about the Bhagavad Gita while the wind whistled and the weeping willow whipped the soft sides of the yurt. 

Home now and ready for bed, I feel gratitude for this day and the lessons it provided. 

Sweet Dreams ~


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