Sunday, September 22, 2013

My Space in Sedona

Just so you have a visual of where I'm living for the next month, here are some images ~

This is my bedroom with my altar to the left ~


Another shot of my bedroom with the computer still set up.  That is getting packed away tonight. 

This is my private patio at my private entrance behind the house ~

Some of the young students who flew into Arizona for this training have no transportation.  So this afternoon I took them around to the grocery store, Walgreens, Natural Grocers, and OF COURSE the Goodwill store.  I had to buy a long shirt to wear in the evening after I shower and do my sesame oil massage.  It takes a while for that oil to soak in!

So life is very peaceful up here, and I feel very blessed. 


  1. This is beautiful, Diana. Something tells me you are going to really look forward to coming "home" to this space.

    Is that your manual on the table???! That thing is HUGE!

    Love and hugs,

  2. Thanks, Debra ~ yes, I LOVE coming home here! My roommate is so lovely and friendly, yet does not intrude. I've had very little "awake" time here, so am looking forward to the weekend. And oh yes ~ that IS my manual!
